Thursday, July 21, 2011

Three months already

I don't know how it happened but Sasha is now three months old and getting more delicious by the day. He is no longer a newborn and is now an infant according to the books. We just had his three month check up and he is now a whopping 12lbs8oz (up from 10lbs10oz) and 24.4 inches (up from 22.5). The funny thing is he is in the 69% for height. We're hoping he keeps this up so he can help his mom and dad get stuff down from tall shelves. 

Getting ready for his 3 month check up - little did he know he was getting 2 shots
Life with Sasha continues to get more fun as the days progress. He now has graduated to a big boy stroller. In his old stroller, which is a car seat on a base (snap 'n go for those parents out there) he was facing us and would fall asleep in three minutes. In his new stroller he faces out, so while it's more convenient to get in and out of our walk up it prevents him from napping. Sasha is so overstimulated aka excited by his surroundings that he can't fall asleep. He loves looking at the trees and the shadows on our daily walks in the park. There's also a convenient sun roof so silly mom's can peak at their babies every 5 er 2 um 1 minute. 
Sasha's Big Boy Stroller
Sasha's current past time remains the oral stage where he is trying very hard to get both tiny fists in his tiny mouth. The pediatrician said this could actually be accomplished and will cause him to puke. Huh? More to come on that one. We are also in anticipation of when he finds his feet.
Only the thumb featured here, fortunately we haven't seen the fist in there just yet.
Sasha had his first pool experience thanks to our friend Marivi inviting us for a play date. I wasn't sure what to expect, but he loved it, but I think I loved seeing him in the pool even more. And thanks to Izzie for letting us borrow her raft.
First time in the pool!


1 comment:

  1. I had a dream about the little guy last night . . . in the pool. Weird that you posted this today. When he's a little bigger, he can get little rubber arm wings!
