Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December's Greatest Hits

Hi Everyone! How did it get to be the end of the year..again? I can't believe I haven't written in nearly two months. A lot has been happening around the Burling household, but the more important happenings have to do with Mr. Sasha Burling. 

Sasha will be twenty months on Saturday and I still can't believe it. He's a walking, running, laughing, screaming, airplane/bus/truck watching machine and we love him for it. As of two months ago he weighed a whooping 25 lbs and was 33 inches tall, that would be more than half of my height. 

Sasha loves jumping, throwing anything and everything, feeding himself, building towers and playing with his cars. He's saying three syllable words (elephant) and several two word sentence combos (Hi Daddy), has sixteen teeth and is just overall a fun and (sigh) exhausting little guy with a great sense of humor. Fortunately he still is a fantastic sleeper, but for every second he's awake, he doesn't stop moving. 

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy New Year. 

Sasha's first photo project with Papa. The subject - airplanes. 

The big boy started sleeping on a mat at daycare - buy buy pack n play. 

The love of books (yay) continues. Thanks for this one Aunt Lex!

Sasha learned how to climb up on chairs and stand on them. 

First Hanukkah present from Uncle Marvin. Cool. 

Second present from Mommy and Daddy. I heart Elmo. 

Sasha at his second Hanukkah party eating homemade applesauce at the toddler table. 

His first art class. Bring on the projects!

Second haircut in the big boy chair. Didn't even shed a tear. 

More to come in 2014.