Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Magic Pajamas and the Magic Musical Lamb

Our lovely friends came by on Sunday with their adorable 15 month year old son. They were so kind to bring us homemade bolognese (which was delicious), a few bags of gourmet pasta and two pairs of pajamas for Sasha. I was so excited about the pajamas since the evening ritual of bath and pajamas is one of my favorites. 

Since Sasha is now older he's awake much more so we tend to play a lot more, which tires him out. Play for a 10 week year old baby consist of mommy singing endless songs and rhymes through out the day as he giggle and squirms with delight. Another activity is tummy time. Since babies sleep on their backs they need to develop their neck muscles as well as get their little legs in preparation for important things such as crawling and walking. Sasha had not been a big fan of tummy time until we received a stuffed animal lamb that plays five minutes of nursery rhymes while the lambs tummy blinks this crazy light show. Sasha really took to this lamb so I started using him as a prop for tummy time and it worked! After one to two walks a day in the New York heat, lots of singing, tummy time and two parents who can't stop hugging him, Sasha is pooped. 

Ari noticed a few days ago that Sasha changed his own bed time and start to get upset (aka crying) indicating that he was ready for bed about an hour earlier than we were putting him down. Low and behold Ari was right since Sasha started sleeping longer and fell asleep very quick after bath. 

I love how we are able to understand his cues now and respond accordingly. Last night after bath we put Sasha is his new pj's and I didn't hear a peep out of him until nine and a half hours later. I'd like to announce we are blessed with a sleeper, but it's only been two weeks since he's been sleeping between six and now nine hours. For now I will just enjoy the sleep that I had last night and be prepared for what's to come. 

I love my new pj's with whales and dolphins

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Papa's Birthday

Ari's birthday was on Thursday, he wanted to do a family walk across the Brooklyn Bridge then go to our local Sushi restaurant. We love walking over the bridges and wanted to share this with Sasha. As we made our way to the subway the weather seemed a bit unpredictable, but we decided to chance it. 

We hadn't been on the subway with Sasha since he was two weeks old and now we realize he is so much bigger and able to peak out of his baby bjorn carrier. After about two or three stops the train comes to a halt, which is nothing new to us. The conductor went on with her gargled speech that no one could understand, but we somehow were able to hear there were signal problems. Another 15 minutes go by, still no motion. Fortunately Ari is calm (of course) and he was wearing the baby not me, because I was getting very anxious. Another 15 minutes go by, still not moving and no explanation. Sasha was very happy taking brief naps and then looking around at the lights on the subway. I'm pretty sure he was able to translate what the conductor was saying since it sounded like what I assume voices sound like in the womb. Another 15 minutes go by and they say "service is suspended in both directions"...Huh? 

Sasha in his cargo shorts and button down shirt ready for his first bridge walk
On the subway having fun
We finally get off the train and proceed to walk towards the bridge since we are not too far. It's starting to rain so I as a neurotic, um I mean "first time mom" decide it's not a good idea to take the baby on the bridge in case it storms. Ari suggests the subway museum since it was right across the street and indoors. Sold! Sasha was completely entertained by all the lights in the museum and was very content - what more could we want. 

We ended the night at our favorite local sushi place. I realized that sushi is quite easy to eat with baby in one arm and chop sticks in the other since you only need one utensil unlike the usual knife and fork. All said and done it was a lovely day for the birthday boy and his best gift of all...our little Sasha. 

Hanging with Dad at Sushi

Peace from Sasha

It's both exciting and sad that Sasha is getting so big. First we went from newborn size diapers to size 1 diapers. Now we are slowly creeping into his size 3-6 month clothing rather than his 0-3 months which he has outgrown. It's so sweet to watch how he fills out his clothing that once sagged on him not too long ago. 

I know I'm bias, but he truly does look sweet in stripes and I do believe brown and blue are his colors. We had a nice family walk in the park and are expecting some visitors later today. It seemed appropriate for Sasha to just wish everyone a Peaceful Sunday. And he too is very proud to be a New Yorker;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Months Old

I don't know where the time went but somehow Sasha is two months old today. We had his two month check up and he is now a whooping 10lbs10oz and measures 22.5 inches. He also had his two month vaccination which was not so fun. He settled down fine after his shot, but had a rough afternoon once we got home. It was heartbreaking for us to see our little guy crying in pain. Fortunately Sasha is easily soothed by hugs and the nursery rhymes that I make up as I go along. I knew all those years of teaching would pay off;)

At the doctors office after his vaccination - what a trouper!

I noticed last week when changing Sasha that he was able to reach toys that he wasn't the week before. Since we found out today he grew one and a quarter inches this past month it makes sense. He is now grabbing things like mommies shirt and spending countless hours exploring his hands. We love watching him punch the air as he continues to learn that his hands belong to his precious body. We also got a first glimpse of a giggle. He's mastered the smile (see below) and other silly faces, but the giggle is something we are getting very excited for. Every day is so fun with this little guy around. 

Happy Baby

Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Wedding and First Father's Day

What a weekend we had. Sasha went to his first wedding and we celebrated Father's Day. Our dear friends Suzy and Jason had a lovely wedding on Saturday in Garrison New York. I was so nervous to bring Sasha for fear that he would cry during the ceremony. I didn't want to disrupt the wedding, but the bride and groom really wanted our little guy to attend. Sasha is not really a big crier, but I thought the wedding might be a bit over stimulating. 

As an urban baby and more prone to long walks in the stroller and baby bjorn carrier Sasha is not accustomed to car rides. However when we do get in the car he sleeps like a champ. (Grandfather Bob can attest to this after a three and a half hour nap en route to Connecticut over Memorial Day weekend  - both directions.) After a sleepy ride we got to the hotel, fed Sasha then dressed him (see below) in these dapper summer time duds. Upon arriving to the outdoor wedding he slept peacefully in our alternating arms throughout the ceremony and cocktail hour. Then as soon as the music started he was wide eyed and immediately the life of the party. He was showing off his smile and charming all the guests. We had a family dance to "Fools Rush In" (our wedding first dance) and were so proud of our very well behaved baby who made it until the near end of the wedding with nothing but smiles.
All dressed for the wedding in a variety of patterns 

My two handsome guys
Mommy and Sasha...lovin' my little guy

The next day was Ari's first Father's Day, which was wonderful of course. I put this little sign "Happy "eh" Father's Day" on Sasha then woke up Ari. For someone who was never a morning person, Ari is now bright eyed and bushy tailed when Sasha throws on the morning charm. In case your wonderfing Sasha says the sound "eh eh eh" all night long in his sleep. Perhaps the joke is only funny to his parents:)
Happy "eh" Fathers Day and first jeans

Mr. Luxurious Stretcher on the King Size Hotel Room Bed

After we returned to Brooklyn we took Sasha for a nice long walk in the park and to a street fair on 7th Avenue.He loved snuggling up to daddy and fell right asleep. Sasha will only sleep when in motion, he wakes up the second we stop moving. It keeps us in shape since we can't stop moving when carrying or strolling him around town.
All of a sudden Sasha is big enough to see what's going on....when did he get so big???

Friday, June 17, 2011

Six (count 'em) Hours of Bliss!

I heard other parents speak of this. I read in books about this. I thought it could never happen to us. I was a skeptic. I was downright negative. I said it won't happen until his a teenager. Just when I was on my last limb of exhaustion Sasha blew me away and slept six hours (in a row) last night. I feel like a new person today. His longest stretch is generally about three and half to four hours. When I looked at the clock at 4am I never thought I'd be so excited at this witching hour that has become part of my regular sleep habits. He then gave me a bonus, (after eating of course), of two and half more hours of sleep. As far as I'm concerned, I had a full nights sleep. It may never happen again, but now this is documented for all to see that I got six hours of straight sleep for the first time in two months. Yay Sasha!!!

This is what a happy rested baby looks like

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Classic Grey Hoodie Served with a Smile

I asked my mom to find Sasha a hoodie a few weeks ago when we has some unseasonably cool May weather. She claimed no stores in Florida had tiny hoodies since it was 90 degrees there and not hoodie weather. A few weeks later as we hit the 90 degree mark in New York sure enough my mom found the only tiny hoodie in Florida and mailed off - yay Mom. I looked at it skeptically as the days got hotter and Sasha grew bigger. Low and behold the weather predicted a day in the low sixties and I knew this was my window of opportunity for him to wear that hoodie, sadly, maybe only this one shining moment before he outgrew it. So I picked out his little outfit for the day (a favorite hobbie of mine), hoping he could make it without pooping or spitting up for a few hours so we could make it out the door. We had a successful day with no wardrobe changes, I'm not sure how it happened, but it did. In case your wondering, I love hoodies, so it's only natural I wanted my son to have one as well. The giant smile was a bonus which we've been working hard to capture in a photo - thanks Ari!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Most Luxurious Stretcher

Sasha's stretching has become one of my favorite past times that never fails to put a smile on my face. Every morning Ari and I are amused by Sasha's (what we call) "the most luxurious of stretches". After a long nights sleep (who am I kidding...after an initial three hours, then a series of barely one hour naps is his version of a full nights sleep) he stretches with the best of them. Throwing his arms up long, moaning, grunting and arching his back until he is in full euphoric relaxation. Now mind you, this goes on for a good ten to twenty minutes until he gets out all the kinks of his tiny little body. Then when I bring him to the changing table the stretching does not stop there, it becomes more entertaining as he puts his little legs in tight lock making it impossible to change his diaper. Who knew his tiny little legs were so strong?

Step 1 - Get your stretch on upon waking

Step 2 - Contemplate next move

Step 3 - Preparing to wrap it up

Final Step - Full relaxation resulting in a toothless grin...sigh

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What A Difference A Week Makes

Who knew when I had my ultrasound appointment at 38 weeks that I would have this darling baby a mere eight days later. I am constantly in awe to think that this little guy was growing inside of me. I was even more in shock that our baby came out with giant steel blue eyes and would you believe reddish blond hair just like my husband Ari. I had assumed Sasha would have my coloring, but low and behold he had other ideas and we couldn't be more pleased. He is one handsome baby, see for yourself.