Thursday, July 7, 2011

Check out my Crib

We spent fourth of July weekend at my in laws in Connecticut, so of course we needed something for Sasha to sleep in. My in laws bought him an adorable pack 'n play which should hopefully last him a little while until he gets too big. We (really just me) were a little concerned since he's been sleeping next to our bed in a mini co-sleeper (like a bassinet) and we weren't sure how he'd respond to his temporary lodging across the room. Low and behold he slept in it no problem for three nights.

When we got home July 4th evening we decided that he was ready to graduate to his crib in his nursery out of our bedroom. We figured if he slept in the pack 'n play it was about the same distance away from us as his crib since the nursery is right next to our room. I had been fearing sleep training and wanted to put it off until he was three or four months old since I wasn't sure what to expect. However, we realized he was getting more alert by the second and the longer we held it off the harder it would be. 

So we did our routine - bath, pajamas and a feeding. We were ready for tears and possibly a long night to come. Well, we put him in the crib and didn't hear a peep until nine hours later. Aha, perhaps a fluke. Same thing the next night and the next night. We're so proud of our little guy. He's probably thinking "why didn't you put me in here sooner, it's much more comfortable." I do know babies habits can change in an instant, but so far Sasha has proven to be a great baby who transitions very well. More to come as the little guy approaches his three month mark.

Sasha's thinking how wonderful his sleep was in his crib

But...he still loves napping in his $20 we ever spent

Sasha's comfy crib and all the handmade items I made while pregnant

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