Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Milestone Madness!!!

For those of you that are parents you know that paying attention to everyone of your child's milestones occupies, well, lets just say "a good portion of your day". I of course am no different. I suck up all the information I can about how babies develop, whether it be from the Internet, a book, a friend, a grocery store clerk, you name it, I like to hear every one's stories. After many years of teaching early child hood I don't like to compare Sasha to other babies, but rather relish in what he accomplishes in comparison to studies on well...babies. For example, I was reading that babies around three months old start to grab a rattle, and well, sure enough he did. I am all for the element of surprise, well not really, I like to know what's going to happen next - who am I kidding. For lack of a better word, it's just "cool" that Sasha does what the books say. It doesn't make it any less wonderful or take away any of the joy I felt watching my son discover that he could hold a rattle and make sounds with it.

Exploring color and sound

The next exciting thing to happen was...get ready...sigh...sigh again...a first giggle. Yep, at 6:45am Sasha busted out a little giggle. Perhaps it was from my off key singing, or maybe me bicycling his legs or my endless crazy/funny faces I make. Who cares? It was the most adorable sound I ever heard and I look forward to giggle mania which should happen in the next month or so. 
The Giggle Culprit

The last and final milestone of the day was how Sasha holds his adorable hands together in an almost prayer position. Nothing for nothing, my darling boy has very large hands, albeit they are still tiny in comparison to adult hands, but who knows maybe he will be tall? (We could sure use some help reaching high shelves) 

Sasha has been exploring his hands for some time now and this hand holding has resulted in him trying to put his entire little fist in his mouth or perhaps even two fists at a time. Again, as a new parent, I find his new found discovery quite lovely. It was not too long ago that he was flailing his hands and hitting himself on his very own head. Now those same hands grip my fingers with Herculean strength and I smile when I think about the day he will be walking and he holds one hand with me and one with his Papa. Sigh..again...Sorry for the emotional post, but I keep falling more in love with my son every second of every day. He's truly a gift of joy.
These hands will do great things some day.



  1. Tears to my eyes AGAIN! These posts are so awesome... they really give me a sense of what's going on in the day-to-day. And a giggle, no less! Also, his eyes in the giggle photo make him look like he was just up to something devious. Love it! xx

  2. PS. YAY! I can finally post comments. Yippee!
