Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reading is Fun

There's nothing sweeter than when Sasha curls up in my lap and we read sometimes up to a dozen books in one sitting. I thought there was nothing sweeter until I witnessed Sasha sitting and reading to himself. He goes through his whole pile of books and opens and closes each page while examining all the pictures, it's really quite adorable. 

Being an avid reader I am so glad that Sasha also loves books. He's loved books from day one. We continue to grow our home library and expand on the type of books that we read. 

On Monday's we go to the library for story time. We were informed that Sasha needed to have his own library card so he could start taking out books. No joke, here's Sasha's library card. 
Sasha can use this card until he's 13. Hmm, that means he will be 13 some day.
Sasha likes to start the day with light reading. 
This must be a funny one, even funnier upside down. 
We're both fans of Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Catepilar". 
Note: he's so engaged I can't even get him to look at me. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Play Area

A major draw of our new apartment was that there was a lot of play space for Sasha. When I first saw the new digs I immediately knew that I was going to create a play area for Sasha in the living room under the bay windows. 

I gave quite a bit of thought to how I wanted to set up the play area. I wanted Sasha to be able to have plenty of room to move around, have a quiet place to read, plenty of standing room and an overall area that would stimulate his imagination as he enters toddler hood next month. 

After many years of teaching early childhood I found myself creating areas much like I would in my class rooms. Sasha seems to be really enjoying his play area as are his friends that have been over since we moved. Let me take you for a little tour.

Sasha's play area. 
Cozy reading area. 
Fun action (loud) toys. 

Thanks for touring Sasha's play area. That was what it looks like at 7am. Nice, right? 
Now this is what Sasha's play area looks like at 7:05am. Nice, right? 

He moves quick. 
Just another day at the office. 

Now that I have everything where I want it I can play. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love Me Tender

It's not often that Sasha slows down, so on Sunday when he was in slow motion we knew something was up. The second clue was that he wasn't hungry, this is unusual for our ever growing baby. After some tears and frustration of not being able to communicate what was wrong he finally settled into Daddies arms for a good half house. Take note of the tear on the right eye. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Furniture Inspector

My name is Sasha and I'm a baby and a part time furniture inspector . 
It's been far too long since I wrote. Between going on vacation and moving and keeping up with Sasha things have been busy. After moving from our over crowded apartment I hadn't realized how much we lacked doors and wall space. Since we moved Sasha has been scaling the walls, moving furniture and opening and closing doors.

At just about ten and a half months Sasha is active, hilarious, an eating machine, loves music and dancing, adores playing with other babies, is quite the hugger and aspiring kisser. With all this going on in his baby life you may wonder how he has time to be a furniture inspector. Well, please see for yourself below. 

Look Mama, the door works just fine.
Now I'm outside my room.
Mama, did you know this chair rocks and bangs the wall?
Two at a time, the more the merrier. 
Busted in mom's dresser. Yes, Mama, the drawers open and close. 

You may want to lock up these files Papa. 
After a long day of furniture inspections I like to unwind with the remote control...sigh...