Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Stroller Fun

It's come to our attention that our child is not going to play with his toys. It's been about a month since he has played with them. Occasionally he'll humor us by tossing a toy here and there, but for the most part Sasha is all about playing in, well, the recyclables (aka, the trash) to put it bluntly. 

Not only does he loves the trash, but he is also a big fan of his stroller or any large object that moves and isn't, well, a toy. We go to the park and what does he do, he plays with all the junk we keep in his stroller. So I say, why schlep to the park. Let's park that baby right out front our place and play away. 

I can't believe my luck, it's a giant red object right before my eyes...wahoo
I'm so excited and I look adorable in orange!
I wonder what happens when you pull this squishy thing?
Oh, cool, that's what happens when you pull this squishy thing.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Strawberry Picking!

In honor of Father's day I thought it would be fun to highlight a messy, er, special papa and son moment. This past weekend when visiting the grandparents in Connecticut we were fortunate enough to take Sasha on his first strawberry picking adventure. 

En route to the fields. 
We had to take an open truck to the field where we picked the strawberries. As you can see Sasha is holding his container in anticipation of the fun. Please note his slick back hair is not a fashion statement, but rather massive amounts of sunscreen for our hat less wearing toddler. This came recommended from the experts, Aunt Kim and Uncle Brooke, parents of three grown children who survived toddler hood. 

No mistaken whose the papa here. 
Here's my handsome guys in the incredible strawberry field. It was a beautiful Saturday, perfect for picking berries. (Take note of Sasha's clean shirt) Once we put him down he was in berry heaven. 

The ride back to the car from the field.
Sasha consumed a considerable amount of strawberries as did the entire Burling clan. They were outstanding! As we departed we read the sign that said blueberries will be in season for picking in July/August. Considering blueberries are Sasha's all time favorite food we will return, but not with a pale blue shirt. 

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer afternoon playground

Now that Sasha is very mobile the playground has been an entirely new experience. He seems like a new kid as he walks around exploring everything and trying to talk to the big kids. It felt like a real summer afternoon with a, well, a toddler. He was dirty and snacking and screaming and happy and walking everywhere. Instinctively I wanted to buy him water ice or ice cream or take him to the beach. I realized our little guy is growing up and he's truly amazing. See for yourself. 
I love this thing even though I have no idea what it is. 
What's interesting about Sasha is that his technique of play is his own style. When at the playground he's not the kid climbing on everything or anything he can get his toddler hands, feet or body on. Sasha is the kid that wants to know what make things tick. He immediately gravitates to the steering wheels, anything that makes a noise, anything that you can turn, click or bang. I often wonder if he will be an engineer or something very creative. 
I'm having so much fun!
Someday I'll have my own car and it will go fast. 
Having a walking toddler also means you have little control about where they're going since they get there fast. Last week Sasha found the sprinklers at the playground before I could say a word. He was having so much fun, all I could think was "thank goodness I have extra clothes in my bag".
Don't tell my mama I found this cup and now I''m drinking from it.

Have a great weekend everyone. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Take A Walk on the Wild Side

Well my friends, it's official our toddler is now walking. He started this morning and has not stopped. Sasha tends to do things his own way which is why we love him so much. Here's a little recap of Sasha's gross motor development. 

Before Sasha crawled at around eight months he was standing without holding on to anything. This made us think he might skip crawling all together. Nope, not the case, he then spent an entire two months rocking on his hands and knees before he crawled at ten months. Then he was taking steps before pulling up on furniture. So we figured, okay he's going to do a short stint with crawling and go straight to walking. Nope, he took his time at his pace and as a result is quite a sturdy walker.

It all started this past weekend after a visit at the grandparents. Sasha was performing for a large group of family members relishing in the praise. He took a few bold steps here and there to get more "hoorays" and "applause" from his fan club, aka "the grandparents". Then I noticed he was doing squats and in a constant kneeling position. Next up he kept taking steps without me in front of him. And voila, on June 1st, 2012 we have our self a walker. I'm pretty sure we will have a runner on our hands momentarily. 

In other Sasha news, he is really a full on toddler now. He gets, um, how you say, well, PISSED, yeah that's it, he gets PISSED OFF when you remove him from such things as power strips, pots and pans at 6am, taking down curtains and taking the batteries out of remote controls. He continues to talk up a storm and is so happy all the time. He will not sit in the bath, he pretends that everything is a telephone, he still eats as much as I do and he has a great sense of humor. 

Unfortunately I can not figure out how to get the movie to load to show you the little walker, but here's a photo of the handsome fella from earlier today. Have a great weekend.