Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Outings

Now that the weather is nice we've been having fun playing outdoors and exploring outside the playground. Sasha has not been to the beach since last summer when he was napping the whole time and I was carrying him. Last weekend we went to visit Aunt Lex and took a stroll to an awesome all sand playground in Brooklyn Bridge park. Needless to say Sasha was mesmerized. So much so that as you can see from the photo I couldn't get a him to look up. Looks like we have some fun beach days ahead of us. 
What is this stuff and why does it feel so good and taste so bad?
We also took a nice little walk to feed the ducks last week in Prospect Park. As you can see we were much more interested in standing and posing for the camera. Sasha has been taking several steps unassisted for a couple of weeks now. I think we may have a full blown walker on our hands any time soon. 
Mama, you do realize I am dangerously close to the water. Oops

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