Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Babies first holiday gifts

As you can imagine having a baby around the holidays is amazing. Babies make everyone happy and apparently everyone wants to buy the baby gifts. And everyone wants to watch a baby open gifts. By the end of Christmas Sasha had a real good idea that ripping open paper reveals something fun inside. He also loves eating the wrapping paper, ribbons, cardboard boxes and anything else associated with the gift. 

Our family was very excited to give Sasha his first Christmas gifts and we were excited for him to get some new big boy toys. It's been great with the cold weather having some new toys for the big guy to play with while we spend more and more time inside. It's been fascinating to watch him figure out how to work all the bells and whistles on his new prize possessions. 

Grandpa Bob said that Sasha must have a car, as all boys should. The funniest thing was that as soon as Sasha opened this gift he grabbed the wheel and went to change gears. I guess it's just a boy's instinct? (This would work for girls too, but for our purposes we have a boy.)

We're pretty sure Sasha thinks the sounds his toy makes is what is going outside his window since his bedroom is on a main street and sirens go by constantly. 

Sasha is paying very close attention to the wheel, not the road, good thing we're inside.
Hands free driving and smiling!
We also received farm yard fun from the cousins and Aunt Kim and Uncle Brooke. This was their kids favorite toy when they were young and it's proving to be Sasha's too. He figured out how to open all the barn doors since this is where the animal sounds come from. He never looks surprised or blissful, but he continues to open doors (mama shuts them) for a very long time. I love watching him figure out how things work, babies are really cool. 
Sasha loving his new farm.
Sampling the animals. Hope they are hormone free;)
Aha, these doors makes animal sounds when I open them.
After all the amazing toys and books he received he still likes regular old Tic Tacs. You may ask why my kid plays with Tic Tacs. Those of you that are parents know that you will give your kids anything to keep them quiet and happy (short of a choking hazard) and I happened to have some Tic Tacs.  Sasha likes them so much that I keep them by the door while I am getting on my coat and shoes to keep him entertained. 

Is this a rattle?  
Must be, they make such great noise when you shake them!
I'm looking forward to more posts about my big boy as he enters the fourth quarter of his first year in couple weeks. 

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