Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On the Move

It was inevitable that my little guy would be moving much more as he nears his sixth month. Sasha has spent a great deal of time practicing his baby push ups, airplane and some other fancy moves that tend to show off his incredible baby upper body strength. Each month he gets stronger and stronger in preparation for sitting up by himself and crawling. 

We noticed that there must be a whole lot of practicing going on in Sasha's crib. Sometimes we peek in on him and he's on side, then one minute later he's on his back then two minutes later he's at the opposite end of his crib on his belly.  He really utilizes his crib bumpers and ultra soft mattress as he is often nestled up in one of the four corners. 

Lately as we play on the floor I noticed Sasha tends to push back with his arms and raise his tush to get around his play mat. I also noticed that he often will do an entire 360 with such subtlety I have to question myself "did he really start out there and end up there?" It's such a pleasure to watch him plot out his move in order to be able to grab whatever toy he has his eye on. 

Here's a tiny preview of what goes on several if not most of the day on Sasha's play mat. 

Sasha likes to start with showing off his strong arms

Next up, a little airplane to strengthen the old , err young back
Hmm, a toy has been spotted across the play mat 
He contemplates his move
He's feeling proud and taking it all in

1 comment:

  1. Haha. There's that fancy yoga move. I love the airplane. So good finally meeting him.
