Monday, September 5, 2011

The Swinger

It didn't occur me that Sasha could go on the bucket swing at the playground until my friend who has a baby 3 weeks older said she took her son on the swing. So of course living across from the biggest playground in the park, what did I do? You guessed it. The next day, I took Sasha to the playground and put him in the bucket swing. 

And the next day, I took Ari and Sasha to the bucket swing. As you can imagine we were the very proud parents of our four and half month old baby in the swing. He was the best swinger, there were no babies who could swing so fierce. Truth be told, he sort of sat there and smiled at me and Ari took photos and video.

As we walked Sasha around the playground, showing him all the stuff we couldn't believe that by this time next year he too will be running around the playground and we'll be chasing him with our cameras. 

This seems like fun...

Smiling at Mommy

Maybe this is not so fun

Get me the hell off of this swing!


1 comment:

  1. Aw man . . . hate to say it but this so made me laugh. He's so cute when he cries!
