Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Special Morning with Sasha

Of course every moment with Sasha is special, but today was a particularly special day. What was supposed to be a rainy stormy day turned into a sunny not too hot beautiful day. So, after our usual morning routine of singing and books I decided to take Sasha to the Central Library at Grand Army Plaza about a 15 minute walk from our apartment. 

The library offers a weekly free program for children under five years old. RIF (Reading is Fun) sponsors the program which consists of a librarian reading age appropriate books and singing nursery rhymes in a sweet little kid friendly space. I was very excited for Sasha's first time at the library and he seemed equally excited. When the librarian sang "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" he was all smiles since this is one of our daily songs. 

Here we are outside the library

As we made our way back into the park I walked under the trees in the shadiest spot I could find. Sasha loves to look up at the shadows and listen to the sounds of the park. When I carry him in the Bjorn I call him the "The Little Yenta", since all he does is poke his little head out and look at everything all around him. We may not share the same eye or hair color, but observing everything around him he definitely gets from his mama.

Walking in the park usually soothes him to sleep. Since he was sleeping I decided to walk to the Wednesday farmers market at Bartel-Pritchard Square. Sasha likes to look at all the vegetables and fruit and we talk about how in not too long we will let him start to sample some this wonderful food in the pureed version of course.
Me and Sasha at the Farmer's Market

We're so lucky to live in such a great place where we have culture, parks and locally grown food all within a few blocks of our home. It's so wonderful to explore Brooklyn with Sasha and look at everything through his gentle inquisitive eyes. I look forward to exposing him to New York City as he (and I) continue to grow.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so stylin!
    I love his little hat. I wonder if you might carry me around and take me shopping for veggies when I get back to NYC? grin.
