Thursday, August 11, 2011

Call me a first time mom

As you've read in other posts Sasha has been working very hard at getting both fists in his mouth.  He's nearly mastered sucking his thumb, but there is quite a bit of his hands poking in eyes until he gets his tiny thumb in his tiny mouth, but it does eventually get there. 

As a result of working towards his goal of thumb sucking Sasha has developed a tiny rash under his chin and his eyes tend to get red from all the poking he does to himself. We try hard to keep his nails short so he won't scratch his eyes, but as you can guess we have no control what he does with those busy hands. 

This morning I noticed his right eye had a rash around it and it was nearly shut and tearing. I watched it for a couple hours then finally decided to call the doctor. Once I described Sasha's eye they said to come on in to see the doctor. So I very calmly put Sasha in the carrier hoping it was nothing serious. I was more worried that I would have to put drops in his eyes, I already fear taking his temperature in his tiny tush. If you haven't guessed I'm a little squeamish when it comes to the first aid treatment.

I had a feeling it was nothing too serious since the second we got outside he was investigating the neighborhood as usual and happy as well, a baby. Once at the doctor's office his eye suspiciously did not seem that red. When I put him on the examination table he seemed to think this was very fun as he rolled back and forth making the paper on the exam table crinkle. The doctor looked in his ear and then put a wood tongue depressor on Sasha's tongue. Sasha seemed to find this whole visit quite amusing and couldn't stop smiling at the doctor.

See, his right eye does look red, right?

So the verdict was that he's perfectly fine and I should just keep an eye (ha, no pun intended) on it for yellow stuff or swelling. As I walked home I called Ari and we discussed our babies almost first non scheduled doctor appointment. I had that first time mom feeling that perhaps I overreacted, but in all truth what's the cost of a measly co-pay to make sure your precious baby is okay. It made me feel lucky that we have such a healthy baby and can get confirmation from a doctor within minutes. I generally dis the U.S. health care system, but in this particular case I was thrilled to hear everything is okay and I didn't have to put drops in Sasha's eyes...whew.
Our happy and healthy Sasha

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the good ol' Burling rash . . . Poor little bugger.
