Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sitting up and stuff

Sitting up is fun!
Happy Happy Autumn!!! 
I'm not sure when exactly it happened but Sasha is now sitting up unassisted for long periods of time. He was doing short stints a few weeks ago, but then falling fairly promptly after being propped up. Then one day I noticed he just started to sit for 5, 10, 15 and nearly 20 minutes at times. It's super cute and has opened up a new world for him and playtime. 

Oftentimes when I go to plop Sasha down he tends to make his legs as erect as possible taking in the view from up high. Perhaps he will walk before crawling since standing seems a whole lot more fun? I guess its his baby prerogative as to how he gets around. Sasha continues to talk up a storm, and at times he yells so loud I think he's going to hurt himself. Fortunately it hasn't happened yet.

Since we got our high chair it's a who new ball game around our household. Sasha proudly sits in the kitchen watching us make our coffee, breakfast, clean up, rattle pans, run water, etc. He loves all the action and most importantly loves to be close to the food, not to mention throwing everything on the floor for mommy to keep picking up. 

Also, with the leaves finally getting more colorful I decided to put my sitter upper in the leaves for a few photos as you can see from the above photos. I learned very quickly that Sasha loves to not only sit in the leaves, but eat the leaves. He loved frolicking around in them and it made me think how fun snow is going to be. 

Here's a few photos of the big boy in various sitting positions. 

He was having so much fun I hated to take him away from his snack of dried leaves.
Full on sitting with toy.
The awesome high chair before breakfast.
And after breakfast...plain yogurt..yum.

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